The team name is the most important part of fantasy sports, and these owners had it figured out for at least one season.

9. John Rocker (2007, finished 15th): Simple idea, take one of the most controversial baseball players of our time and name your team after him. I'm not sure what's funnier about Rocker, how stupid he was, or how stupid he looked.

7. Character Issues (2006, finished 13th. 2010, finished 8th.): Great use of the ESPN catch phrase of the 2000's. In those years, there wasn't a single NFL report on that station that didn't use the phrase "character issues" at some point.
6. the Ju-Co Fuck Ups (2004, finished 14th): Used an F bomb and made me laugh at those numbskulls that lose baseball scholarships because they can't get themselves into a four-year school.

4. Skinny Dominicans (2009, finished 12th): Hilarious and politically incorrect. Great combination. Unfortunately, he drafted all fat white guys and finished 12th.
3. PC LOAD LETTER?!?!? (2010, finished 2nd): Took one of the great moments in movie history and ran with it. Used the trash talk option to quote the movie all season. Quality work here.
2. Who is Karim Garcia? (2004, finished 15th): Could have finished as the #1 team name in most leagues. This is simply one of the great all-time baseball quotes, by Pedro Martinez.

Congratulations to Treadwell!
What do you think? Is there anyone I omitted? Let us know!