PicketLine Production fantasy leagues have been around since the mid-1990s. The leagues began during the long hours of picketing in front of the Price Chopper supermarket on rte. 9 in Poughkeepsie, NY. Back then, a fantasy champion was rarely crowned. Since all the stats were done by hand or with our own spreadsheets, and half the league left for college before the season ended, the leagues seemed to always fold around August. Now thanks to the wonderful power of the !internet! the PicketLine League has returned, bringing joy to all.
2017 Final Standings ($100)
1 - Sven Jenkins (Los Barbudos) $1000
2 - Shane Lutz (Gr82BeMetsFan) $500
3 - Dan Slate (BACK AFTAH THIS) $300
4 - Dave Prince (AllFlashNoCash) $200
2016 Final Standings ($100)
1 - Bret Jenkins (Icemen of the Hudson) $1000
2 - John Treadwell (69witSuzynWaldman) $500
3 - Joe Moore (WTFUTLEY) $300
4 - Bruce Heard (Rivercity Catfish) $200
2015 Final Standings ($100)
1 - Eric Kantner (New Market Mallers) $1000
2 - Sven Jenkins (Los Barbudos) $500
3 - Bruce Heard (Rivercity Catfish) $300
4 - Dan Slate (Better be Boars Head) $200
2014 Final Standings ($100)
1(t) - Eric Kantner (New Market Mallers) $750
1(t) - Joe Moore (WTFUTLEY) $750
3 - Bret Jenkins (The Jimy Kelly Rule) $300
4 - Eric Rosin (SONS OF PITCHES) $200
2013 Final Standings ($100)
1- Joe Moore (WTFUTLEY) $1000
2 - Sean Comerford (NY Metroponzians) $500
3 - Bruce Heard (Rivercity Catfish) $300
4 - Bret Jenkins (a greasy B12 mullet) $200
2012 Final Standings ($100)
1 - Chris "Cribs" Jenkins (Brewmasters) $1000
2 - Dave Prince (AllFlashNoCash) $400
3 - Chirag Amin (Chumps) $300
4 - Sean Comerford (NY Metroponzians) $200
5 - Dan Slate (Fister? Just met her) $100
2011 Final Standings ($100)
1 - Greg Wozniak (Roughnecks) $1000
2 - Bret Jenkins (Uhhh... Lucky Devil!) $400
3 - Chirag Amin (Chumps) $300
4 - Sven Jenkins (The Duda Abides) $200
5 - Josh Robbins (Red Stripe and Reggae) $100
2010 Final Standings ($50)
1 - Greg Wozniak (Roughnecks) $500
2 - Bret Jenkins (PC LOAD LETTER ?!?!?) $300
3 - Chirag Amin (Chumps ) $100
2nd half - Joe Moore (psycho studs) $100
2009 Final Standings ($50)
1 - Kris Gross (Bumpin Utley's) $500
2 - Chris "Cribs" Jenkins (Brewmasters) $300
3 - Rob Moran (Mount Gay Rum) $100
2nd half - Greg Wozniak (Roughnecks) $100
2008 Final Standings ($50)
1 - Greg Wozniak (Roughnecks) $500
2 - John Treadwell (69 wit SusanWaldman) $300
3 - Eric Rosin (Mangini's Mutts) $100
2nd half - Josh Robbins (thirty27.com) $100
2007 Final Standings ($50)
1 - Greg Wozniak (Roughnecks) $500
2 - Bret Jenkins (Brooklynizers) $300
3 - Justin Ford (WaxOnWaxOff) $100
2nd half - Sven Jenkins (Joe Q's Rehab Team) $100
2006 Final Standings (league was run by Josh Robbins)
1 - Eric Bjorkman (Chet Lemon Inc.) $?.??
2 - Bret Jenkins (Vince's Auto Body) $?.??
3 - Sven Jenkins (Mosquito Dickson) $?.??
2005 Final Standings ($50)
1 - Chris "Cribs" Jenkins (Poughkeepsie Pirates) $600
2 - Jeremy Alpert (Sportinwood) $250
3 - Bret Jenkins (TOP North All-Stars) $100
2nd half - Bret Jenkins (TOP North All-Stars) $50
2004 Final Standings ($20)
1 - Josh Robbins (ProChinaBuffetEaters) $300
2 - Justin Ford (WaxOnWaxOff) $100
Owner Roster 2010
69 wit SuzynWaldman, John Treadwell, Fredericksburg, VA
Big Macs SecretSauce, Sean Comerford, Hartford, CT
Brewmasters, Chris "Cribs" Jenkins, Poughkeepsie, NY
Bumpin Utley's, Kris Gross, Chicago, IL
Captain F Stabbin, Steve Curtis, Chicago, IL
Character Issues, Don Bernovich, Longmont, CO
Chumps, Chirag Amin, Houston, TX
CITI-REX, Eric Rosin, Merrick, NY
dickie thons IV, Eric Bjorkman, Poughkeepsie, NY
Dung-Stove Dal Bhat, Sven Jenkins, Poughkeepsie, NY
Mariners GM, David Prince, Hopewell Junction, NY
Mount Gay Rum, Rob Moran, Camillus, NY
PC LOAD LETTER ?!?!?, Bret Jenkins, Napa, CA
psycho studs, Joe Moore, Limerick, PA
Roughnecks, Greg Wozniak, Pittsburgh, PA
Sketchy Mustaches, Josh Robbins, Redondo Beach, CA
The Titanium Sporks, Jeff Drescher, Lee's Summit, MO